We offer Season Passes starting in Feburary. (Please see Season Pass tab)
After entry you may stay for the remainder of normal operating hours.
Swimmers 3 yrs and older: $5.00
Non-Swimmers 3 yrs and older: $2.50
Discount: Senior (65+) Military and First Responders - $2.50
Our policy helps contain any accidents that children 3 and under are more prone to while in the water. This protects everyone from having to cut their stay short.
Our hours are added to the bottom of our Home and Contact page. Occasionally we must close early for various reasons. If there is an early closure we will post it on our FB page.
We try to hold Midnight Swims once a month. More info on the Events page
See our Calendar page for Midnight Swim dates.
You will be asked to leave the property at 8pm until re-entry at 9pm unless you have advanced tickets. Payment during normal busineass hours is different than the Night Swim.
These events are FUNDRAISER EVENTS. There is a separate charge for this event. It is to support the Pool in making much needed improvements and upkeep.
Advanced tickets Season Pass holders: $5.00 3 yrs & older Guests: $6.50
Door entry: $7.00 3 yrs & older
As this is a Fundraiser event, everyone who enters must pay the separate entry fee.
Our charge for an individual to come into the pool area is $5.00. This is calculated for 1 hour. You are more than welcome to stay as long as we are open, but if we have to close suddenly this comes into effect.
We have a responsibility for every person who comes through our doors. This rule has been adapted, one, because so many people abused the privilege. The second, it costs us money every time someone enters. From the toilet paper to the insurance. We are a Non-Profit community business and need to be able to keep our pool running.
1. Stormy weather.
2. Excessive rain.
3. Someone has a runny incident in the water.
4. Occasional weather related issues.
We do apologize for any inconvenience, but our goal is for your safety and that of our staff.
We are a Non-Profit business. We exist only by donations and your fees. This is very hard at points when we rely so much on your help. Our annual fees are approximately $32,000. On average we make approximately $35.000 a year. This becomes an issue when there are so many routine and non routine repairs that need to be done.
We NEED YOUR HELP to keep this pool operating.
This answer is quite extensive. The short answer requires about 2 months of cleaning, repairing etc. During the season it takes about 80 hours of upkeep a week.
At closing it takes up to 3 months with mowing, winterizing etc. We need help! The board is currently voluntary. This means time away from our family and lots of energy. Please ask one of our staff for more information on how you can help keep our wonderful treasure alive.
We start the application process in February. We will be posting an application on our website at that time. The form is on our contact page. Please fill out a form, submit and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.
Our staff requirements are:
Office Staff must be 25 years and over.
Works well with others and can stand on cement for long periods of time.
Lifeguards: You must have a current certification for Life-guarding and CPR. You must be at least 15 1/2 before the start of the season May 1st.
Our goal is to make your summer a fun and happy time. We understand that budgets can be tight. We offer an opportunity to pay your Pass monthly online. This early bird starts in Feburary and the offer expires May 3rd. No exceptions Please see our Season Pass and Payments page for more details.
Why must I pay to enter?
As this is a Community facility, we are responsible for its upkeep, bills, paychecks of our staff etc. Thus, we must change a nominal fee to all who enter.
It is recommended that if you choose to bring items that need cooling, you may bring in your own cooler. As our space is very limited it is not possible for us to store any items.
YES we do accept all Major Credit Cards.
We do allow alcohol, but we must insisit that it be in either plastic or cans. NO GLASS. If one should happen to break on the property, little feet could become badly damaged. Or possibly damage our pumps. We also ask that you be of legal age and drink responsibly.
We ask that you drink responsibly.
We do allow outside food. NO GLASS! This include pyrex and pickle jars.
We also ask that if you bring your items in, please make sure your area is picked up.
We host private and day parties. All payment and dates available are on the Private Party tab.
Smoking and Vaping are NOT allowed in the pool area or within 15 feet around our front door.
Smoke buckets are provided on the North and West grassy areas for your convenience.
This is due to the OKDH and serving so many young children and families our goal is to strive to keep everyone safe.
We thank you for your understanding.
We have a LOT of people who like to play games, dive for items and see how far they can go. Because of this, we close the diving boards occasionally to allow for this activity. We understand that it can be hard on some people, but we have to allow others to enjoy the deep end with saftey as well. They are NOT allowed to swim in the deep end while diving is occurring. Thank you for understanding!
As ALL service animals are allowed, we do NOT allow other animals. This is for the saftey of our pool guests.